Playcanvas Download Game To Computer

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Root namespace for the PlayCanvas Engine

The PlayCanvas Engine gives incredible performance, even on devices such as the iPhone 4S. Fast Load Times PlayCanvas ensures a fast loading time by using multiple features such as script concatenation, minification, deferred loading of non-essential assets and more. Robostorm is an online multiplayer robot battle game featuring an. Babylon seems more complex than playcanvas but that might bring some. This means that you don't have to download the lightmap data,. PlayCanvas is the world’s easiest to use WebGL Game Engine. It’s free, it’s open source and it’s backed by amazing developer tools. The amazing developer tools part isn’t hyperbole either, PlayCanvas ships with an impressive amount of polished and high quality tools. /chief-keef-they-know-instrumental-download.html. May 30, 2017  This tutorial takes another look at the PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 powered game engine. Patreon backers are able to download the assets used to.

Webgl for pc download; Webgl for pc download. Most people looking for Webgl for pc downloaded: WebGL-Publisher. CopperCube is a 3D game engine that lets you create HTML 5 websites, WebGL apps, Android apps, and programs for Windows and Mac. How PlayCanvas, WebGL, and HTML5. When comparing PlayCanvas vs GameGuru, the Slant community recommends GameGuru for most people. In the question 'What are the best 3D game engines? Async Assets download allows developers to load content as the app goes. A beginner that has no programing experience and uses a low end computer? There are two options for self-hosting a PlayCanvas game on your own domain. Download your game from the Editor and upload the files to your own site.

Static Properties

ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGEClamps texture coordinate to the range 0 to 1.[read only]
ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEATTexture coordinate to be set to the fractional part if the integer part is even; if the integer part is odd,then the texture coordinate is set to 1 minus the fractional part.[read only]
ADDRESS_REPEATIgnores the integer part of texture coordinates, using only the fractional part.[read only]
AssetReferenceAn object that manages the case where an object holds a reference to an asset and needs to be notified whenchanges occur in the asset.
BLENDEQUATION_ADDAdd the results of the source and destination fragment multiplies.
BLENDEQUATION_MAXUse the largest value.
BLENDEQUATION_MINUse the smallest value.
BLENDEQUATION_REVERSE_SUBTRACTReverse and subtract the results of the source and destination fragment multiplies.
BLENDEQUATION_SUBTRACTSubtract the results of the source and destination fragment multiplies.
BLENDMODE_DST_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by the alpha value of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_DST_COLORMultiply all fragment components by the components of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONEMultiply all fragment components by one.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by one minus the alpha value of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLORMultiply all fragment components by one minus the components of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by one minus the alpha value of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLORMultiply all fragment components by one minus the components of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_SRC_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by the alpha value of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATEMultiply all fragment components by the alpha value of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_SRC_COLORMultiply all fragment components by the components of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_ZEROMultiply all fragment components by zero.
BLEND_ADDITIVEAdd the color of the source fragment to the destination fragmentand write the result to the frame buffer.
BLEND_MAXMaximum color.
BLEND_MINMinimum color.
BLEND_MULTIPLICATIVEMultiply the color of the source fragment by the color of the destinationfragment and write the result to the frame buffer.
BLEND_MULTIPLICATIVE2XMultiplies colors and doubles the result
BLEND_NONEDisable blending.
BLEND_NORMALEnable simple translucency for materials such as glass.
BLEND_SCREENSofter version of additive
BLEND_SUBTRACTIVESubtract the color of the source fragment from the destination fragmentand write the result to the frame buffer.
BUFFER_DYNAMICThe data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
BUFFER_GPUDYNAMICThe data store contents will be modified repeatedly on the GPU and used many times.
BUFFER_STATICThe data store contents will be modified once and used many times.
BUFFER_STREAMThe data store contents will be modified once and used at most a few times.
BUTTON_TRANSITION_MODE_SPRITE_CHANGESpecifies different sprites for the hover, pressed and inactive states.
BUTTON_TRANSITION_MODE_TINTSpecifies different color tints for the hover, pressed and inactive states.
ButtonComponentCreate a new ButtonComponent
CLEARFLAG_COLORClear the color buffer.
CLEARFLAG_DEPTHClear the depth buffer.
CLEARFLAG_STENCILClear the stencil buffer.
CUBEFACE_NEGXThe negative X face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_NEGYThe negative Y face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_NEGZThe negative Z face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_POSXThe positive X face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_POSYThe positive Y face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_POSZThe positive Z face of a cubemap.
CULLFACE_BACKTriangles facing away from the view direction are culled.
CULLFACE_FRONTTriangles facing the view direction are culled.
CULLFACE_FRONTANDBACKTriangles are culled regardless of their orientation with respect to the viewdirection.
CULLFACE_NONENo triangles are culled.
CURVE_CARDINALA cardinal spline interpolation scheme.
CURVE_CATMULLA Catmull-Rom spline interpolation scheme.
CURVE_LINEARA linear interpolation scheme.
CURVE_SMOOTHSTEPA smooth step interpolation scheme.
CURVE_SPLINECardinal spline interpolation scheme.
CURVE_STEPA stepped interpolater, free from the shackles of blending.
DISTANCE_EXPONENTIALExponential distance model[read only]
DISTANCE_INVERSEInverse distance model[read only]
DISTANCE_LINEARLinear distance model[read only]
ELEMENTTYPE_GROUPA pc.ElementComponent that contains child pc.ElementComponents.
ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGEA pc.ElementComponent that displays an image.
ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTA pc.ElementComponent that displays text.
EVENT_KEYDOWNName of event fired when a key is pressed
EVENT_KEYUPName of event fired when a key is released
EVENT_MOUSEDOWNName of event fired when a mouse button is pressed
EVENT_MOUSEMOVEName of event fired when the mouse is moved
EVENT_MOUSEUPName of event fired when a mouse button is released
EVENT_MOUSEWHEELName of event fired when the mouse wheel is rotated
EVENT_TOUCHCANCELName of event fired when a touch point is interrupted in some way.
EVENT_TOUCHENDName of event fired when touch ends.
EVENT_TOUCHMOVEName of event fired when a touch moves.
EVENT_TOUCHSTARTName of event fired when a new touch occurs.
ElementDragHelperCreate a new ElementDragHelper
FILLMODE_FILL_WINDOWWhen resizing the window the size of the canvas will change to fill the window exactly.
FILLMODE_KEEP_ASPECTWhen resizing the window the size of the canvas will change to fill the window as best it can, while maintaining the same aspect ratio.
FILLMODE_NONEWhen resizing the window the size of the canvas will not change.
FILTER_LINEARBilinear filtering.
FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEARLinearly interpolate both the mipmap levels and between texels.
FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEARESTUse the nearest neighbor after linearly interpolating between mipmap levels.
FILTER_NEARESTPoint sample filtering.
FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEARLinearly interpolate in the nearest mipmap level.
FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEARESTUse the nearest neighbor in the nearest mipmap level.
FITTING_BOTHApply both STRETCH and SHRINK fitting logic where applicable.
FITTING_NONEDisable all fitting logic.
FITTING_SHRINKShrink child elements to fit the parent container
FITTING_STRETCHStretch child elements to fit the parent container
FOG_EXPFog rises according to an exponential curve controlled by a density value.
FOG_EXP2Fog rises according to an exponential curve controlled by a density value.
FOG_LINEARFog rises linearly from zero to 1 between a start and end depth.
FOG_NONENo fog is applied to the scene.
INDEXFORMAT_UINT1616-bit unsigned vertex indices.
INDEXFORMAT_UINT3232-bit unsigned vertex indices.
INDEXFORMAT_UINT88-bit unsigned vertex indices.
LAYERID_DEPTHThe depth layer.
LAYERID_IMMEDIATEThe immediate layer.
LAYERID_SKYBOXThe skybox layer.
LAYERID_WORLDThe world layer.
LIGHTTYPE_DIRECTIONALDirectional (global) light source.
LIGHTTYPE_POINTPoint (local) light source.
LIGHTTYPE_SPOTSpot (local) light source.
MOUSEBUTTON_LEFTThe left mouse button
MOUSEBUTTON_MIDDLEThe middle mouse button
MOUSEBUTTON_NONENo mouse buttons pressed
MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHTThe right mouse button
ORIENTATION_HORIZONTALHorizontal orientation.
ORIENTATION_VERTICALVertical orientation.
PIXELFORMAT_111110FA floating-point color-only format with 11 bits for red and green channels, and 10 bits for the blue channel (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_A88-bit alpha.
PIXELFORMAT_DEPTHA readable depth buffer format
PIXELFORMAT_DEPTHSTENCILA readable depth/stencil buffer format (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_DXT1Block compressed format, storing 16 input pixels in 64 bits of output, consisting of two 16-bit RGB 5:6:5 color values and a 4x4 two bit lookup table.
PIXELFORMAT_DXT3Block compressed format, storing 16 input pixels (corresponding to a 4x4 pixel block) into 128 bits of output, consisting of 64 bits of alpha channel data (4 bits for each pixel) followed by 64 bits of color data, encoded the same way as DXT1.
PIXELFORMAT_DXT5Block compressed format, storing 16 input pixels into 128 bits of output, consisting of 64 bits of alpha channel data (two 8 bit alpha values and a 4x4 3 bit lookup table) followed by 64 bits of color data (encoded the same way as DXT1).
PIXELFORMAT_L88-bit luminance.
PIXELFORMAT_L8_A88-bit luminance with 8-bit alpha.
PIXELFORMAT_R32F32-bit floating point single channel format (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_R4_G4_B4_A416-bit RGBA (4-bits for red channel, 4 for green, 4 for blue with 4-bit alpha).
PIXELFORMAT_R5_G5_B5_A116-bit RGBA (5-bits for red channel, 5 for green, 5 for blue with 1-bit alpha).
PIXELFORMAT_R5_G6_B516-bit RGB (5-bits for red channel, 6 for green and 5 for blue).
PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B824-bit RGB (8-bits for red channel, 8 for green and 8 for blue).
PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B8_A832-bit RGBA (8-bits for red channel, 8 for green, 8 for blue with 8-bit alpha).
PIXELFORMAT_RGB16F16-bit floating point RGB (16-bit float for each red, green and blue channels).
PIXELFORMAT_RGB32F32-bit floating point RGB (32-bit float for each red, green and blue channels).
PIXELFORMAT_RGBA16F16-bit floating point RGBA (16-bit float for each red, green, blue and alpha channels).
PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32F32-bit floating point RGBA (32-bit float for each red, green, blue and alpha channels).
PIXELFORMAT_SRGBColor-only sRGB format (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_SRGBAColor sRGB format with additional alpha channel (WebGL2 only).
PRIMITIVE_LINELOOPList of points that are linked sequentially by line segments, with a closing line segment between the last and first points.
PRIMITIVE_LINESDiscrete list of line segments.
PRIMITIVE_LINESTRIPList of points that are linked sequentially by line segments.
PRIMITIVE_POINTSList of distinct points.
PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLESDiscrete list of triangles.
PRIMITIVE_TRIFANConnected fan of triangles where the first vertex forms triangles with the following pairs of vertices.
PRIMITIVE_TRISTRIPConnected strip of triangles where a specified vertex forms a triangle using the previous two.
PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHICAn orthographic camera projection where the frustum shape is essentially a cuboid.
PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVEA perspective camera projection where the frustum shape is essentially pyramidal.
RESOLUTION_AUTOWhen the canvas is resized the resolution of the canvas will change to match the size of the canvas.
RESOLUTION_FIXEDWhen the canvas is resized the resolution of the canvas will remain at the same value and the output will just be scaled to fit the canvas.
SCALEMODE_BLENDScale the pc.ScreenComponent when the application's resolution is different than the ScreenComponent's referenceResolution.
SCALEMODE_NONEAlways use the application's resolution as the resolution for the pc.ScreenComponent.
SCROLLBAR_VISIBILITY_SHOW_ALWAYSThe scrollbar will be visible all the time.
SCROLLBAR_VISIBILITY_SHOW_WHEN_REQUIREDThe scrollbar will be visible only when content exceeds the size of the viewport.
SCROLL_MODE_BOUNCEContent scrolls past its bounds and then gently bounces back.
SCROLL_MODE_CLAMPContent does not scroll any further than its bounds.
SCROLL_MODE_INFINITEContent can scroll forever.
SEMANTIC_ATTR0Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR1Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR10Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR11Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR12Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR13Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR14Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR15Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR2Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR3Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR4Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR5Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR6Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR7Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR8Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR9Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_BLENDINDICESVertex attribute to be treated as skin blend indices.
SEMANTIC_BLENDWEIGHTVertex attribute to be treated as skin blend weights.
SEMANTIC_COLORVertex attribute to be treated as a color.
SEMANTIC_NORMALVertex attribute to be treated as a normal.
SEMANTIC_POSITIONVertex attribute to be treated as a position.
SEMANTIC_TANGENTVertex attribute to be treated as a tangent.
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 0).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD1Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 1).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD2Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 2).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD3Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 3).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD4Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 4).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD5Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 5).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD6Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 6).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD7Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 7).
SHADER_FORWARDRender shaded materials without gamma correction and tonemapping.
SHADER_FORWARDRender RGBA-encoded depth value.
SHADER_FORWARDRender shaded materials with gamma correction and tonemapping.
SORTMODE_BACK2FRONTMesh instances are sorted back to front.
SORTMODE_FRONT2BACKMesh instances are sorted front to back.
SORTMODE_MANUALMesh instances are sorted based on pc.MeshInstance#drawOrder.
SORTMODE_MATERIALMESHMesh instances are sorted to minimize switching between materials and meshes to improve rendering performance.
SORTMODE_NONENo sorting is applied.
SPRITETYPE_ANIMATEDA pc.SpriteComponent that renders sprite animations.
SPRITETYPE_SIMPLEA pc.SpriteComponent that displays a single frame from a sprite asset.
SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SIMPLEThis mode renders a sprite as a simple quad.
SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SLICEDThis mode renders a sprite using 9-slicing in 'sliced' mode.
SPRITE_RENDERMODE_TILEDThis mode renders a sprite using 9-slicing in 'tiled' mode.
ScrollViewComponentCreate a new ScrollViewComponent
TYPE_FLOAT32Floating point vertex element type.
TYPE_INT16Signed short vertex element type.
TYPE_INT32Signed integer vertex element type.
TYPE_INT8Signed byte vertex element type.
TYPE_UINT16Unsigned short vertex element type.
TYPE_UINT32Unsigned integer vertex element type.
TYPE_UINT8Unsigned byte vertex element type.

Static Methods

calculateNormalsGenerates normal information from the specified positions and triangle indices.
calculateTangentsGenerates tangent information from the specified positions, normals, texture coordinatesand triangle indices.
createBoxCreates a procedural box-shaped mesh.
createCapsuleCreates a procedural capsule-shaped mesh.
createConeCreates a procedural cone-shaped mesh.
createCylinderCreates a procedural cylinder-shaped mesh.
createMeshCreates a new mesh object from the supplied vertex information and topology.
createPlaneCreates a procedural plane-shaped mesh.
createScriptMethod to create named ScriptType.
createSphereCreates a procedural sphere-shaped mesh.
createStyleCreates a <style> DOM element from a string that contains CSS
createTorusCreates a procedural torus-shaped mesh.
getTouchTargetCoordsSimiliar to pc.getTargetCoords for the MouseEvents.

Static Properties

ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGEClamps texture coordinate to the range 0 to 1.[read only]
ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEATTexture coordinate to be set to the fractional part if the integer part is even; if the integer part is odd,then the texture coordinate is set to 1 minus the fractional part.[read only]
ADDRESS_REPEATIgnores the integer part of texture coordinates, using only the fractional part.[read only]
AssetReferenceAn object that manages the case where an object holds a reference to an asset and needs to be notified whenchanges occur in the asset. e.g. notifications include load, add and remove events.
BLENDEQUATION_ADDAdd the results of the source and destination fragment multiplies.
BLENDEQUATION_MAXUse the largest value. Check app.graphicsDevice.extBlendMinmax for support.
BLENDEQUATION_MINUse the smallest value. Check app.graphicsDevice.extBlendMinmax for support.
BLENDEQUATION_REVERSE_SUBTRACTReverse and subtract the results of the source and destination fragment multiplies.
BLENDEQUATION_SUBTRACTSubtract the results of the source and destination fragment multiplies.
BLENDMODE_DST_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by the alpha value of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_DST_COLORMultiply all fragment components by the components of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONEMultiply all fragment components by one.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by one minus the alpha value of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLORMultiply all fragment components by one minus the components of the destination fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by one minus the alpha value of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLORMultiply all fragment components by one minus the components of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_SRC_ALPHAMultiply all fragment components by the alpha value of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATEMultiply all fragment components by the alpha value of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_SRC_COLORMultiply all fragment components by the components of the source fragment.
BLENDMODE_ZEROMultiply all fragment components by zero.
BLEND_ADDITIVEAdd the color of the source fragment to the destination fragmentand write the result to the frame buffer.
BLEND_ADDITIVEALPHASame as pc.BLEND_ADDITIVE except the source RGB is multiplied by the source alpha.
BLEND_MAXMaximum color. Check app.graphicsDevice.extBlendMinmax for support.
BLEND_MINMinimum color. Check app.graphicsDevice.extBlendMinmax for support.
BLEND_MULTIPLICATIVEMultiply the color of the source fragment by the color of the destinationfragment and write the result to the frame buffer.
BLEND_MULTIPLICATIVE2XMultiplies colors and doubles the result
BLEND_NONEDisable blending.
BLEND_NORMALEnable simple translucency for materials such as glass. This isequivalent to enabling a source blend mode of pc.BLENDMODE_SRC_ALPHA and a destinationblend mode of pc.BLENDMODE_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
BLEND_PREMULTIPLIEDSimilar to pc.BLEND_NORMAL expect the source fragment is assumed to havealready been multiplied by the source alpha value.
BLEND_SCREENSofter version of additive
BLEND_SUBTRACTIVESubtract the color of the source fragment from the destination fragmentand write the result to the frame buffer.
BUFFER_DYNAMICThe data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
BUFFER_GPUDYNAMICThe data store contents will be modified repeatedly on the GPU and used many times. Optimal for transform feedback usage (WebGL2 only).
BUFFER_STATICThe data store contents will be modified once and used many times.
BUFFER_STREAMThe data store contents will be modified once and used at most a few times.
BUTTON_TRANSITION_MODE_SPRITE_CHANGESpecifies different sprites for the hover, pressed and inactive states.
BUTTON_TRANSITION_MODE_TINTSpecifies different color tints for the hover, pressed and inactive states.
ButtonComponentCreate a new ButtonComponent
CLEARFLAG_COLORClear the color buffer.
CLEARFLAG_DEPTHClear the depth buffer.
CLEARFLAG_STENCILClear the stencil buffer.
CUBEFACE_NEGXThe negative X face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_NEGYThe negative Y face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_NEGZThe negative Z face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_POSXThe positive X face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_POSYThe positive Y face of a cubemap.
CUBEFACE_POSZThe positive Z face of a cubemap.
CULLFACE_BACKTriangles facing away from the view direction are culled.
CULLFACE_FRONTTriangles facing the view direction are culled.
CULLFACE_FRONTANDBACKTriangles are culled regardless of their orientation with respect to the viewdirection. Note that point or line primitives are unaffected by this render state.
CULLFACE_NONENo triangles are culled.
CURVE_CARDINALA cardinal spline interpolation scheme. This interpolation scheme is deprecated. Use CURVE_SPLINE instead.
CURVE_CATMULLA Catmull-Rom spline interpolation scheme. This interpolation scheme is deprecated. Use CURVE_SPLINE instead.
CURVE_LINEARA linear interpolation scheme.
CURVE_SMOOTHSTEPA smooth step interpolation scheme.
CURVE_SPLINECardinal spline interpolation scheme. For Catmull-Rom, specify curve tension 0.5.
CURVE_STEPA stepped interpolater, free from the shackles of blending.
DISTANCE_EXPONENTIALExponential distance model[read only]
DISTANCE_INVERSEInverse distance model[read only]
DISTANCE_LINEARLinear distance model[read only]
ELEMENTTYPE_GROUPA pc.ElementComponent that contains child pc.ElementComponents.
ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGEA pc.ElementComponent that displays an image.
ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTA pc.ElementComponent that displays text.
EVENT_KEYDOWNName of event fired when a key is pressed
EVENT_KEYUPName of event fired when a key is released
EVENT_MOUSEDOWNName of event fired when a mouse button is pressed
EVENT_MOUSEMOVEName of event fired when the mouse is moved
EVENT_MOUSEUPName of event fired when a mouse button is released
EVENT_MOUSEWHEELName of event fired when the mouse wheel is rotated
EVENT_TOUCHCANCELName of event fired when a touch point is interrupted in some way.The exact reasons for cancelling a touch can vary from device to device.For example, a modal alert pops up during the interaction; the touch point leaves the document area;or there are more touch points than the device supports, in which case the earliest touch point is canceled.
EVENT_TOUCHENDName of event fired when touch ends. For example, a finger is lifted off the device.
EVENT_TOUCHMOVEName of event fired when a touch moves.
EVENT_TOUCHSTARTName of event fired when a new touch occurs. For example, a finger is placed on the device.
ElementDragHelperCreate a new ElementDragHelper
FILLMODE_FILL_WINDOWWhen resizing the window the size of the canvas will change to fill the window exactly.
FILLMODE_KEEP_ASPECTWhen resizing the window the size of the canvas will change to fill the window as best it can, while maintaining the same aspect ratio.
FILLMODE_NONEWhen resizing the window the size of the canvas will not change.
FILTER_LINEARBilinear filtering.
FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEARLinearly interpolate both the mipmap levels and between texels.
FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEARESTUse the nearest neighbor after linearly interpolating between mipmap levels.
FILTER_NEARESTPoint sample filtering.
FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEARLinearly interpolate in the nearest mipmap level.
FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEARESTUse the nearest neighbor in the nearest mipmap level.
FITTING_BOTHApply both STRETCH and SHRINK fitting logic where applicable.
FITTING_NONEDisable all fitting logic.
FITTING_SHRINKShrink child elements to fit the parent container
FITTING_STRETCHStretch child elements to fit the parent container
FOG_EXPFog rises according to an exponential curve controlled by a density value.
FOG_EXP2Fog rises according to an exponential curve controlled by a density value.
FOG_LINEARFog rises linearly from zero to 1 between a start and end depth.
FOG_NONENo fog is applied to the scene.
INDEXFORMAT_UINT1616-bit unsigned vertex indices.
INDEXFORMAT_UINT3232-bit unsigned vertex indices.
INDEXFORMAT_UINT88-bit unsigned vertex indices.
LAYERID_DEPTHThe depth layer.
LAYERID_IMMEDIATEThe immediate layer.
LAYERID_SKYBOXThe skybox layer.
LAYERID_WORLDThe world layer.
LIGHTTYPE_DIRECTIONALDirectional (global) light source.
LIGHTTYPE_POINTPoint (local) light source.
LIGHTTYPE_SPOTSpot (local) light source.
MOUSEBUTTON_LEFTThe left mouse button
MOUSEBUTTON_MIDDLEThe middle mouse button
MOUSEBUTTON_NONENo mouse buttons pressed
MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHTThe right mouse button
ORIENTATION_HORIZONTALHorizontal orientation.
ORIENTATION_VERTICALVertical orientation.
PIXELFORMAT_111110FA floating-point color-only format with 11 bits for red and green channels, and 10 bits for the blue channel (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_A88-bit alpha.
PIXELFORMAT_DEPTHA readable depth buffer format
PIXELFORMAT_DEPTHSTENCILA readable depth/stencil buffer format (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_DXT1Block compressed format, storing 16 input pixels in 64 bits of output, consisting of two 16-bit RGB 5:6:5 color values and a 4x4 two bit lookup table.
PIXELFORMAT_DXT3Block compressed format, storing 16 input pixels (corresponding to a 4x4 pixel block) into 128 bits of output, consisting of 64 bits of alpha channel data (4 bits for each pixel) followed by 64 bits of color data, encoded the same way as DXT1.
PIXELFORMAT_DXT5Block compressed format, storing 16 input pixels into 128 bits of output, consisting of 64 bits of alpha channel data (two 8 bit alpha values and a 4x4 3 bit lookup table) followed by 64 bits of color data (encoded the same way as DXT1).
PIXELFORMAT_L88-bit luminance.
PIXELFORMAT_L8_A88-bit luminance with 8-bit alpha.
PIXELFORMAT_R32F32-bit floating point single channel format (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_R4_G4_B4_A416-bit RGBA (4-bits for red channel, 4 for green, 4 for blue with 4-bit alpha).
PIXELFORMAT_R5_G5_B5_A116-bit RGBA (5-bits for red channel, 5 for green, 5 for blue with 1-bit alpha).
PIXELFORMAT_R5_G6_B516-bit RGB (5-bits for red channel, 6 for green and 5 for blue).
PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B824-bit RGB (8-bits for red channel, 8 for green and 8 for blue).
PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B8_A832-bit RGBA (8-bits for red channel, 8 for green, 8 for blue with 8-bit alpha).
PIXELFORMAT_RGB16F16-bit floating point RGB (16-bit float for each red, green and blue channels).
PIXELFORMAT_RGB32F32-bit floating point RGB (32-bit float for each red, green and blue channels).
PIXELFORMAT_RGBA16F16-bit floating point RGBA (16-bit float for each red, green, blue and alpha channels).
PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32F32-bit floating point RGBA (32-bit float for each red, green, blue and alpha channels).
PIXELFORMAT_SRGBColor-only sRGB format (WebGL2 only).
PIXELFORMAT_SRGBAColor sRGB format with additional alpha channel (WebGL2 only).
PRIMITIVE_LINELOOPList of points that are linked sequentially by line segments, with a closing line segment between the last and first points.
PRIMITIVE_LINESDiscrete list of line segments.
PRIMITIVE_LINESTRIPList of points that are linked sequentially by line segments.
PRIMITIVE_POINTSList of distinct points.
PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLESDiscrete list of triangles.
PRIMITIVE_TRIFANConnected fan of triangles where the first vertex forms triangles with the following pairs of vertices.
PRIMITIVE_TRISTRIPConnected strip of triangles where a specified vertex forms a triangle using the previous two.
PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHICAn orthographic camera projection where the frustum shape is essentially a cuboid.
PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVEA perspective camera projection where the frustum shape is essentially pyramidal.
RESOLUTION_AUTOWhen the canvas is resized the resolution of the canvas will change to match the size of the canvas.
RESOLUTION_FIXEDWhen the canvas is resized the resolution of the canvas will remain at the same value and the output will just be scaled to fit the canvas.
SCALEMODE_BLENDScale the pc.ScreenComponent when the application's resolution is different than the ScreenComponent's referenceResolution.
SCALEMODE_NONEAlways use the application's resolution as the resolution for the pc.ScreenComponent.
SCROLLBAR_VISIBILITY_SHOW_ALWAYSThe scrollbar will be visible all the time.
SCROLLBAR_VISIBILITY_SHOW_WHEN_REQUIREDThe scrollbar will be visible only when content exceeds the size of the viewport.
SCROLL_MODE_BOUNCEContent scrolls past its bounds and then gently bounces back.
SCROLL_MODE_CLAMPContent does not scroll any further than its bounds.
SCROLL_MODE_INFINITEContent can scroll forever.
SEMANTIC_ATTR0Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR1Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR10Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR11Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR12Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR13Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR14Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR15Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR2Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR3Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR4Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR5Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR6Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR7Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR8Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_ATTR9Vertex attribute with a user defined semantic.
SEMANTIC_BLENDINDICESVertex attribute to be treated as skin blend indices.
SEMANTIC_BLENDWEIGHTVertex attribute to be treated as skin blend weights.
SEMANTIC_COLORVertex attribute to be treated as a color.
SEMANTIC_NORMALVertex attribute to be treated as a normal.
SEMANTIC_POSITIONVertex attribute to be treated as a position.
SEMANTIC_TANGENTVertex attribute to be treated as a tangent.
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 0).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD1Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 1).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD2Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 2).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD3Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 3).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD4Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 4).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD5Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 5).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD6Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 6).
SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD7Vertex attribute to be treated as a texture coordinate (set 7).
SHADER_FORWARDRender shaded materials without gamma correction and tonemapping.
SHADER_FORWARDRender RGBA-encoded depth value.
SHADER_FORWARDRender shaded materials with gamma correction and tonemapping.
SORTMODE_BACK2FRONTMesh instances are sorted back to front. This is the way to properly render many semi-transparent objects on different depth, one is blended on top of another.
SORTMODE_FRONT2BACKMesh instances are sorted front to back. Depending on GPU and the scene, this option may give better performance than pc.SORTMODE_MATERIALMESH due to reduced overdraw.
SORTMODE_MANUALMesh instances are sorted based on pc.MeshInstance#drawOrder.
SORTMODE_MATERIALMESHMesh instances are sorted to minimize switching between materials and meshes to improve rendering performance.
SORTMODE_NONENo sorting is applied. Mesh instances are rendered in the same order they were added to a layer.
SPRITETYPE_ANIMATEDA pc.SpriteComponent that renders sprite animations.
SPRITETYPE_SIMPLEA pc.SpriteComponent that displays a single frame from a sprite asset.
SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SIMPLEThis mode renders a sprite as a simple quad.
SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SLICEDThis mode renders a sprite using 9-slicing in 'sliced' mode. Sliced mode stretches thetop and bottom regions of the sprite horizontally, the left and right regions vertically and the middle regionboth horizontally and vertically.
SPRITE_RENDERMODE_TILEDThis mode renders a sprite using 9-slicing in 'tiled' mode. Tiled mode tiles thetop and bottom regions of the sprite horizontally, the left and right regions vertically and the middle regionboth horizontally and vertically.
ScrollViewComponentCreate a new ScrollViewComponent
TEXTURELOCK_READRead only. Any changes to the locked mip level's pixels will not update the texture.
TEXTURELOCK_WRITEWrite only. The contents of the specified mip level will be entirely replaced.
TYPE_FLOAT32Floating point vertex element type.
TYPE_INT16Signed short vertex element type.
TYPE_INT32Signed integer vertex element type.
TYPE_INT8Signed byte vertex element type.
TYPE_UINT16Unsigned short vertex element type.
TYPE_UINT32Unsigned integer vertex element type.
TYPE_UINT8Unsigned byte vertex element type.

Static Methods

calculateNormals(positions, indices) 

Generates normal information from the specified positions and triangle indices. See pc.createMesh.


positionsNumber[]An array of 3-dimensional vertex positions.
indicesNumber[]An array of triangle indices.


Number[] An array of 3-dimensional vertex normals.

calculateTangents(positions, normals, uvs, indices) 

Generates tangent information from the specified positions, normals, texture coordinatesand triangle indices. See pc.createMesh.


positionsNumber[]An array of 3-dimensional vertex positions.
normalsNumber[]An array of 3-dimensional vertex normals.
uvsNumber[]An array of 2-dimensional vertex texture coordinates.
indicesNumber[]An array of triangle indices.


Number[] An array of 3-dimensional vertex tangents.

createBox(device, opts) 

Creates a procedural box-shaped mesh.The size, shape and tesselation properties of the box can be controlled via function parameters. Bydefault, the function will create a box centred on the object space origin with a width, length andheight of 1.0 unit and 10 segments in either axis (50 triangles per face).
Note that the box is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1 on each face. Additionally, tangentinformation is generated into the vertex buffer of the box's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.halfExtentspc.Vec3The half dimensions of the box in each axis (defaults to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).
opts.widthSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the X axis of the box (defaults to 1).
opts.lengthSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the Z axis of the box (defaults to 1).
opts.heightSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the Y axis of the box (defaults to 1).


pc.Mesh A new box-shaped mesh.

createCapsule(device, opts) 

Creates a procedural capsule-shaped mesh.The size, shape and tesselation properties of the capsule can be controlled via function parameters.By default, the function will create a capsule standing vertically centred on the XZ-plane with a radiusof 0.25, a height of 1.0, 1 height segment and 10 cap segments.
Note that the capsule is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1. Additionally, tangent informationis generated into the vertex buffer of the capsule's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.radiusNumberThe radius of the tube forming the body of the capsule (defaults to 0.3).
opts.heightNumberThe length of the body of the capsule from tip to tip (defaults to 1.0).
opts.heightSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the tubular length of the capsule (defaults to 1).
opts.sidesNumberThe number of divisions around the tubular body of the capsule (defaults to 20).


pc.Mesh A new cylinder-shaped mesh.

createCone(device, opts) 

Creates a procedural cone-shaped mesh.

The size, shape and tesselation properties of the cone can be controlled via function parameters.By default, the function will create a cone standing vertically centred on the XZ-plane with a base radiusof 0.5, a height of 1.0, 5 height segments and 20 cap segments.
Note that the cone is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1. Additionally, tangent informationis generated into the vertex buffer of the cone's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.baseRadiusNumberThe base radius of the cone (defaults to 0.5).
opts.peakRadiusNumberThe peak radius of the cone (defaults to 0.0).
opts.heightNumberThe length of the body of the cone (defaults to 1.0).
opts.heightSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the length of the cone (defaults to 5).
opts.capSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions around the tubular body of the cone (defaults to 18).


pc.Mesh A new cone-shaped mesh.

createCylinder(device, opts) 

Creates a procedural cylinder-shaped mesh.The size, shape and tesselation properties of the cylinder can be controlled via function parameters.By default, the function will create a cylinder standing vertically centred on the XZ-plane with a radiusof 0.5, a height of 1.0, 1 height segment and 20 cap segments.
Note that the cylinder is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1. Additionally, tangent informationis generated into the vertex buffer of the cylinder's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.radiusNumberThe radius of the tube forming the body of the cylinder (defaults to 0.5).
opts.heightNumberThe length of the body of the cylinder (defaults to 1.0).
opts.heightSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the length of the cylinder (defaults to 5).
opts.capSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions around the tubular body of the cylinder (defaults to 20).


pc.Mesh A new cylinder-shaped mesh.

createMesh(device, positions, opts) 

Creates a new mesh object from the supplied vertex information and topology.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
positionsNumber[]An array of 3-dimensional vertex positions.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.normalsNumber[]An array of 3-dimensional vertex normals.
opts.tangentsNumber[]An array of 3-dimensional vertex tangents.
opts.colorsNumber[]An array of 4-dimensional vertex colors.
opts.uvsNumber[]An array of 2-dimensional vertex texture coordinates.
opts.uvs1Number[]Same as opts.uvs, but for additional UV set
opts.indicesNumber[]An array of triangle indices.


pc.Mesh A new Geometry constructed from the supplied vertex and triangle data.

createPlane(device, opts) 

Creates a procedural plane-shaped mesh.The size and tesselation properties of the plane can be controlled via function parameters. Bydefault, the function will create a plane centred on the object space origin with a width andlength of 1.0 and 5 segments in either axis (50 triangles). The normal vector of the plane is alignedalong the positive Y axis.
Note that the plane is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1. Additionally, tangent informationis generated into the vertex buffer of the plane's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.halfExtentspc.Vec2The half dimensions of the plane in the X and Z axes (defaults to [0.5, 0.5]).
opts.widthSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the X axis of the plane (defaults to 5).
opts.lengthSegmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the Z axis of the plane (defaults to 5).


pc.Mesh A new plane-shaped mesh.

createScript(name, [app]) 

Method to create named ScriptType.It returns new function (class) 'Script Type', which is auto-registered to pc.ScriptRegistry using it's name.This is the main interface to create Script Types, to define custom logic using JavaScript, that is used to create interaction for entities.


nameStringunique Name of a Script Type.If a Script Type with the same name has already been registered and the new one has a `swap` method defined in its prototype,then it will perform hot swapping of existing Script Instances on entities using this new Script Type.Note: There is a reserved list of names that cannot be used, such as list below as well as some starting from `_` (underscore):system, entity, create, destroy, swap, move, scripts, onEnable, onDisable, onPostStateChange, has, on, off, fire, once, hasEvent
apppc.ApplicationOptional application handler, to choose which pc.ScriptRegistry to add a script to.By default it will use `pc.Application.getApplication()` to get current pc.Application.


function The constructor of a ScriptType, which the developer is meant to extend by adding attributes and prototype methods.

createSphere(device, opts) 


Creates a procedural sphere-shaped mesh.The size and tesselation properties of the sphere can be controlled via function parameters. Bydefault, the function will create a sphere centred on the object space origin with a radius of 0.5and 16 segments in both longitude and latitude.
Note that the sphere is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1. Additionally, tangent informationis generated into the vertex buffer of the sphere's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.radiusNumberThe radius of the sphere (defaults to 0.5).
opts.segmentsNumberThe number of divisions along the longitudinal and latitudinal axes of the sphere (defaults to 16).


pc.Mesh A new sphere-shaped mesh.

createStyle(cssString) 

Creates a <style> DOM element from a string that contains CSS


cssStringStringA string that contains valid CSS


Element The style DOM element

createTorus(device, opts) 

Creates a procedural torus-shaped mesh.The size, shape and tesselation properties of the torus can be controlled via function parameters.By default, the function will create a torus in the XZ-plane with a tube radius of 0.2, a ring radiusof 0.3, 20 segments and 30 sides.
Note that the torus is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1. Additionally, tangent informationis generated into the vertex buffer of the torus's mesh.


devicepc.GraphicsDeviceThe graphics device used to manage the mesh.
optsObjectAn object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
opts.tubeRadiusNumberThe radius of the tube forming the body of the torus (defaults to 0.2).
opts.ringRadiusNumberThe radius from the centre of the torus to the centre of the tube (defaults to 0.3).
opts.segmentsNumberThe number of radial divisions forming cross-sections of the torus ring (defaults to 20).
opts.sidesNumberThe number of divisions around the tubular body of the torus ring (defaults to 30).


pc.Mesh A new torus-shaped mesh.

getTouchTargetCoords(touch) 

Similiar to pc.getTargetCoords for the MouseEvents.This function takes a browser Touch object and returns the co-ordinates of thetouch relative to the target element.

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touchTouchThe browser Touch object


Object The co-ordinates of the touch relative to the element. In the format {x, y}

Undertale is a RPG game for PC published by tobyfox in 2015. This masterpiece has got an amazing metascore (97/100) in Metacritic!

Undertale PC Game 2015 Overview:

This game may seem boring but it’s not like that. Although the developers have created simple environments in pixel graphics, Gameplay is awesome.

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The little human is the main character at Undertale. You will take the control of this human who has been gone to under the ground suddenly. There are many types of monsters at this place. Now, The player has to help this human run to survive. Escape is the best way to stay alive in this unnatural world. At first, You even won’t have enough power to fight the little monsters with low health points. So, The main missions on primary levels is to escape from the dangers.

Killing the monsters in all of the levels isn’t necessary. If you have the ability to do this, You’re free to choose. Remember that you can get more scores and rewards by killing them. The story is really impressive. Even the beginner players who don’t have skills at this game, Will enjoy it. This great story with addictive gameplay has made Undertale a masterpiece. There are some boss fights at the finishing part of the levels. When you defeated them with your powers, You will have two choices.

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You can kill them without any problem. But there is another way! Making friends with boss fights is the most exciting part of this RPG game. Steam users have rated this great game 10/10 which means the players have liked it like critics did!

Features of Undertale:

  • Control a human who has fell to the ground
  • Escape from the dangers by your primary skills
  • Make friends with boss fights to get new abilities
  • Pixel graphics with simple environments which are hand-drawn

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  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 128MB
  • Hard Drive: 200 MB available space

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